
Insights reports are only available to customers in the Gold package

Insights reports are a way for you to publish information about your reporting process, trends and outcomes. This helps create trust by showing reporters that issues raised through your reporting platform are dealt with in appropriate ways.

Insights reports are created in your dashboard using a standard document editor interface, and published reports appear on the "Report" page of your reporting site, so that anyone considering reporting an incident themselves can see how it will be handled. You can also link to external documents and they will appear similarly to reports published through our platform. This is useful if you have old reports, or an existing platform for publishing documents, so you can bring in reports from your old system.

Where to find Insights reports

To get started, visit the site content page in the dashboard, and scroll to the bottom. Here, there is a section for Insights reports. The usual team permission rules apply here, so users without the "edit site content" permission cannot create, edit or view Insights reports.

Creating an Insights report

At the bottom of the Insights reports section is a button marked "Create report". Clicking this will open the report editor with your choice of a blank document or an outline based on our best practice template. If you select the template, your report will be pre-populated with headings and dummy content, which you should go through and replace with your own information.

Below the "create report" button is one to add a link. Clicking this will prompt you for a title and a URL. Any links you add this way will appear alongside reports published using our editor on your reporting site. Unlike reports created within the Insights editor, links to external reports are published automatically and must be deleted if you no longer want them to be visible on your reporting site.

Editing and deleting Insights reports

If you have already created some Insights reports, they will be listed in the Insights report section on the site content page. You can drag to reorder them, or click the pencil icon to edit (or delete) them. Each one will show the report's name, as well as a chip showing you whether it has been published. You can also edit and delete links in the same way.