At A Glance

The At A Glance tab shows you high level information about the number of reports received in a particular category within a particular time period (by default, the current week). You can alter the time period looked at using the selectors at the top of the page.

The first section on the page shows you how many reports were received, closed, remain open and remain unassigned in the selected time period, comparing it to the previous time period. The other sections on the page show you the number of reports submitted broken down by category (for example, how many reports of each incident type, etc).

You can customise the at a glance page by removing panels using the "Edit sections" button at the bottom of the page to change which sections you see. This will be remembered for you when you log back in using the same browser.

In each panel, you can also click the number to go through to the list of reports (if you have access to do so), or select In Detail, which will take you to the In Detail page that shows you the data in chart form and allows you to further filter or segment the data.