Text editor

This is the rich text editor used on the Insights reports editor screen.

It is designed to feel as similar as possible to products like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, while taking full advantage of the Report + Support platform. To get started, simply type in the box.

Copy and paste should work with your usual keyboard shortcuts, as well as with the right-click menu.

The toolstrip controls are, from left to right:

Undo and redo

These are the standard undo/redo controls as used in any other app. You can also undo with Control+Z (or Command+Z on Mac), and redo with Control+Shift+Z (or Command+Shift+Z on Mac).

Paragraph type

This is used to add headings, as well as numbered or bulleted lists. The options are:


This is for the normal body text of the document. Most of your content will be paragraphs.

Heading and subheading

These are for headings — they will appear in large, bold print and will appear in your table of contents. You should not use headings to emphasise text, as it will appear in your table of contents, and you should not use bold print to add headings, as it will not appear in the table of contents.

Numbered and bullet lists

This will turn your text into a list. You can move an item into a sub-list by pressing TAB, and move it back into the outer list using Shift+TAB.

Bold, italic and underline

These behave as in any other text editor. The usual keyboard shortcuts are also available: Control+B for bold, Control+I for italic, and Control+U for underline. (These shortcuts use the Command key on Macs.)

To make text a link, highlight it and click the 'add link' button. If the selected text is already a link, this button will remove it.

Insert image

Click this button to insert an image into your report. You will need to choose an image file from your computer, and add in "alt text" — this is the text used in place of the image if the image does not load, or if the person reading your report is using a screenreader. It should describe what's in the image in enough detail for a reader to understand the point being made by the image without being able to see it. (This field should be left blank if the image is purely decorative.)

A blank caption will be automatically added under the image — this is shown to all users and should give context to the image, and perhaps a name or number if you want to refer to it in the text. Captions are optional.

You can change the image or alt text later using the "edit" button above it.

Insert table and Insert analytics data

These are for inserting data into your reports. They can produce similar results but behave differently, so make sure you choose the right one:

  • Insert table allows you to add a table containing any text or numbers you like. It cannot be used to create graphs or visualisations of that data. (If you need a custom graph, generate it outside of Report + Support and insert it as an image.)
  • Insert analytics data allow you to insert a table or bar chart using data from the Report + Support Analytics system.