Filtering reports

Report filters allow you to focus on only certain kinds of report — for example, you can choose to look at only reports from women, or only reports from the last week, or combine filters to look at only reports of harassment from women in the last year which were forwarded to the police.

You can filter reports in several places:

A note about filters in the In Detail view

Adding a filter

To add a filter, click the "set filters" button, which will be near the top of the screen, depending on which page you are using. The "filter reports" panel will open with some commonly used filters — if you want to use one of these then you can do so, but if you want to use another you can either find it using the search box, or else click "show more filters" to reveal the full list.

Not all the filters will appear in every context — for example the date filter is hidden on the 'Over Time' page because it applies its own date filters to the analysis.

Supposing you want to filter by incident type (assuming you have a 'incident type' question on your reporting form). Find 'incident type' in the list, expand it, and check the incident types whose reports you want to see. The rest of the page will now ignore any reports which do not have one of those incident types. For example, if you select "bullying" and "harassment", then:

  • a report where the reporter selected just "bullying" will appear, because the "bullying" incident type matches the filter;
  • a report where the reporter selected "harassment" and "assault" will appear, because the "harassment" incident type matches the filter;
  • a report where the reporter selected "bullying" and "harassment" will appear, because both incident types matches the filter (but the report will only appear once);
  • a report where the reporter selected just "assault" will not appear, because it does not match the filter; and
  • a report where the reporter did not answer the "incident type" question at all will not appear, because it does not match the filter.

Filters you have added will appear as 'chips' near the top of the page so you can see at a glance which filters are applied, and easily clear them to see all reports again.

Filtering by deleted options

Combining filters

You can add a second filter in the same way as the first. When multiple filters are matched, the page will show only reports that match all of them — if you filter by incident type for "bullying" and by gender for "women", then:

  • a report from a woman about bullying will be shown;
  • a report from a man about bullying will not be shown as the gender filter removes it;
  • a report from a woman about harassment will not be shown as the incident type filter removes it; and
  • a report from a man about harassment will not be shown as both filters remove it.

Removing filters

To remove a filter, select the “All” option at the top of the option list for that filter. You can also remove filters using the cross button on the filter chip.

You can also remove all current filters using the button by the filter chips or the button at the bottom of the filter settings panel.