In Detail

The in detail page is split into 2 sections — the first panel on the page allows you to select the data you wish to analyse. The second section shows you the data in either a chart or table form, and allows you to customise how that data is displayed.

Selecting the question to analyse

The "Report question" dropdown lets you select the question to perform a first level of analysis on. For example, if you select "Incident type" the number of reports which has each incident type selected is shown. You can then apply a further breakdown of this by selecting a question in the "Split data" dropdown, which then further subdivides each top-level bar into a second level based on that question. For example, selecting Gender would then show the gender split within each incident type.

If the resulting chart or table has too many categories you can reduce this using filters or grouping.

A note about filters in the In Detail view

Handling deleted options

For Silver package users, you can split report data over a predefined list of dimensions only. Gold package users can additionally split the data by any question on their form.

A note about the pre-defined question types

Limiting the data

Filtering the reports in the chart allows you to limit the analysis based on question answers, form, etc. This allows you to, for example, plot a graph analysing only reports from the past year, or only reports sumbitted anonymously, or only reports of harassment made by women — while still breaking that data down in other ways.

For example, if you wanted to know where women were being harassed, you could select a gender and incident type filter, and choose 'location' as your report question.

Customising the look of a chart

To change the look of a chart, you can use the "Settings" button in the second chart. This will present the following options:

  • Show values: this will show a number at the end of each bar of the number of reports in that chart
  • Show percentages: this will show what percentage of all reports that bar represents
  • Show outer bars: (only if a split applied) - if enabled, this includes a bar for the total number of reports in the outer category (as if a split wasn't applied) surrounding the bar
  • Show zero bars: (only if a split applied) - if disabled, then any bars in the split which are "0" would be collapsed and hidden. This can be helpful when working with splits with a large number of sparse options.
  • Show "not answered": if a question has not been answered, then this includes a bar showing the number of reports when a question has not been answered

Table view

Using the toggle between chart/table in the top corner of the chart will change between the bar chart view and a data table view. In the data table view the raw numbers for each group (and intersection if a split is selected) are shown. You can toggle showing the "not answered" row in the same way as the bar chart, as well as percentages when a split is not applied.

When a split is applied, you can also toggle a heatmap. This changes the colour of the table cell based on how many reports are in that cell, with darker colours indicating more reports.

A note about totals in the In Detail view

Exporting data

Once you have generated a chart, you can export it as a PNG image using the "Download" button in the top corner of the chart. In table view, you can also use this button to download the raw data in a CSV file which can be opened in spreadsheet software.

In the event you are unable to use our analytics system to do the analysis you prefer, you can export the raw data as an encrypted Excel file using the Export options on the Admin screen and load them into more advanced analytics software. Please do let us know about your requirements and we can see if we can accomodate these in a future version.