
Your reporting site is by default configured with our best practice questions, with the ability for you to edit the introduction text on each page, the thank you text, and for the incident type and department questions, the options and definitions for these questions.

To edit the introductory wording and thank you text on these forms, your team must have the Manage Reporting Forms permission. Navigate to the Content section of the dashboard, and then for your site under the Forms tab you can see the forms you have. If you select one, you will be shown the text that appears as the introduction on each page, with the option to edit. Leave blank any pages that need no introductory text. You can also edit the text shown on the button of the form, and for each page, which questions are on that page. You can press save changes to save your changes. If someone else is editing the wording at the same time as you, you will be shown a warning - please be careful as edits by others are not automatically reflected unless you reload the page, and pressing save will also save over any changes they may have made since you started editing the form.

Certain questions (incident type and department list) also allow you to edit the list of options on that page. To edit these, you can select the "Edit options" list next to that question. Alternatively, you can use the Admin tab to find the all the options lists in your system. This will take you to the options list editor for that question. Please be aware that the same options list can appear on multiple forms and editing the lists will edit the list on all the forms they appear on - you can not vary the lists between forms.

On the option list editor, you will see what forms this question appears on, and a checkbox appears which allows you to change whether or not a single or multiple options can be selected. To change an existing option, you can click on the edit icon on the right of that option which opens an editor where you can change the name, the definition hint shown to reporters, and to optionally allow users to enter free text if that option is picked (for example, if you have an option of "Other" and wish to allow users to specify). If free text boxes are permitted, you can also specify whether you must complete the free text box ("Require free text to be completed") and if any additional prompts should be shown with the free text box if ticked (for example "Please specify"). You can also associate this option with support articles under the "Related support" tab. If you select some support articles here, then when the thank you page at the end of the form is shown, then links to the selected support articles are also shown if this option is picked, allowing you to offer more specific guidance for specific incident types once a report is submitted. You can also delete an option from the list. Deleted options remain available for filtering and analytics purposes within the dashboard, but can be tidied up by Culture Shift staff if you raise a support ticket.

To create a new option in the list, you can press the "Add an option" button which opens a blank option editor modal. To create many options at once (for example, if copying a department list from elsewhere) you can use the "Bulk add options" button which opens a text box where you can enter one option per line and will create multiple options at once.

If you have a long list of options (for example, a department list) you can create groups of options. Option groups are shown to reporters separated by headings. To create an option group select the "Add a group" button at the point you wish to insert the group This will insert an empty group with no options, you can now use the "Add an option" or "Bulk add options" buttons to populate that group. You should also give every group a name so it has a distinct heading for reporters. Group names are also shown to caseworkers on the submitted report page. For reporters, you can also change whether or not a reporter sees all the options at once under the heading, or if you must first click on the heading to see the options within it with the "Collapsible" checkbox. If "collapsible" is checked, reporters must first click on the heading on the reporting site to expand the list, and then can click again to hide it. If it is not checked, all options in that group are shown at all times under the headings. You can also delete an entire option group through the "Delete group" option.

You can rearrange the options within the list by clicking and holding on the box and then moving them up and down. You can move items between groups too. If you wish to reorder entire groups, select the "Reorder groups" option at the top right and then drag and drop the order of the groups.

More advanced customisations are also available by consultation with the Culture Shift team (there may be a cost associated with some customisations). Reporting forms are made up of pages, and each page can either contain a message (for example, a privacy warning) or a number of questions. Each form can have a different set of questions, or share some common questions between them. Choosing the right questions can help you do analysis in the dashboard, and re-using questions between forms allows you to compare those answer regardless of which form the reporter picked. Common form types include one for reporting anonymously or for expecting a follow-up, where each form contains some common questions on the incident, but unique questions about either personal data or why they may have chosen to report anonymously.

The following types of questions are supported:

  • Radio button questions (multiple choice, where only one choice can be selected)
  • Checklist questions (multiple choice, where many choices can be selected)
  • Text questions, which allow a free-text answer
  • Text area questions, which allow multi-line answers
  • Date questions, which asks the user to enter a date
  • Date/Time questions, which ask the user to select a date and time
  • Email questions, which require that an email address is entered
  • Phone number questions, which require that a phone number is entered

The multiple choice questions (radio and checklist) allow users to select from a list of options. Each option can also (optionally) have a supplied definition, which can appear to the user in a pop-out. An option can also prompt the user to complete a textbox (for example, if “Other” is an option, it then provides a text box for the user to enter a free-text answer). These list of options can be grouped under headings (for example, for teams within a department, these can be grouped by department), and for very long lists, the options can be hidden, so a user must first pick the group, and then the final option.

Support articles can also be associated with particular options in a multiple choice question, so that when the report is submitted, those support articles are shown to the user dependent on the options that were picked.

Each question consists of:

  • a short title, which is used as a label in the dashboard
  • a title which is the question as presented to users
  • one question could have many different titles, based on how other questions in the form are answered, as well as a default title. For example, a question could be "How do you or the person you are reporting for known the alleged perpetrator?" as the default title, but you also add a title "How do you know the alleged perpetrator?" for when the previous question "Who are you reporting on behalf of?" is answered as "Myself")
  • any optional additional info which is shown underneath the title
  • whether or not that question must be answered before the user can move on, and some text to indicate to the user that the question is required

Questions are grouped together onto pages, potentially only 1 question per page, or many. A user only sees one page at a time, and can only move forward once the required questions on that page are answered, but they can move backwards. It is also possible to skip pages, so certain pages (and the questions that are on them) will only be shown if previous questions are answered in a certain way (this can be used to ask follow-up questions).

Another use for pages is to have an interstitial page. An interstitial page is one which contains no questions, but presents information to the user. For example, this could be used to show a privacy policy to the user. An interstitial page can also contain a checkbox which must be ticked before allowing the user to move past it. This checkbox is not recorded in the report.